All we can do is insulate ourselves in the safety of the thin threads that weave our lives together; dreaming of the future, counting money, replaying the past, fighting to be right, learning something new, collecting people, collecting things, reading stories of Gods that make sense of it all... but it still won't make sense.
Life is shocking by design , the more you try to control it, the more it makes you look a fool. As I get older I tend to see more pink elephants, hiding in the middle of rooms. Rooms where people haven't seen me in years, and I am as unsure if I am able to see them. Rooms where people escape from life into holy scripture, hiding between God's feet, so all they feel is His peace. I don't blame them one bit. God's feet is a beautiful place.
Although I know we love the same God, mine has no wrath, I wish they would stop telling me He is an angry vengeful God. My God is full of love, he doesn't get angry. And then the elephant sprinkles a little dust in the room, enraging everyone. Because if you scrape beneath the surface, people just want to be right. It's the most important thing in the world. I let the dispute drop at our feet with a silent thud, the elephant waddles in between us on que.
Everyone has their insulation, our comforts. We are happy to be their slaves.
Interesting. Esp the pink elephants part... were you under the influence when you were writing? Hehe :P
Sometimes when ppl write what they write I dont think about what they're trying to say but rather what motivated them to say it. The frame of mind they're in, the catalyst that sealed that urge into written form.
This particular entry did ring some familiar bells with a much earlier entry on yer blog. Both mentioned the same angry wrathful God and the denial of such an entity. Both talked about soul searching and being humble, being in servitude, being in love - to a certain degree.
But I totally understand the concept of insulating oneself with the comfort of routine, the need to be a part of something bigger, something familiar. Its true that most of us just want to be right. Or be alright for that matter. But not all of us are ready to accept and defeat the wrong to get there. To be wicked is easy; being righteous requires courage and grit.
In everyday life, we go thru a routine cycle of actions, thoughts and habits that somehow form the very fabric and perception of our own reality in this world. Its easy to fall victim or prey to these habits - good or bad, if we don't stop every now and then to ponder and question whether there's a better way of doing things, or if what we're doing is right/good. More often than not people tend justify their actions and thoughts with their own brand of reasoning or blaming - rather than embracing change
I think righteousness stops you from seeing yourself and creating change. I think it comes from fear and allows you to plant yourself in your comforts. But that's just me...
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