Friday, February 6, 2009

These long days

8am: Took turning into DUKE highway instead of SOHO.
8.45am: Late for an unpleasant doctor's appointment.
10.30am: Late for appointment with Big Boss.
11am: Big boss said "That's pretty good." (with surprise in her voice? I can't be sure these days.)
12noon: Settled content for site that started in October.
Quick lunch.
Wrote some stuff.
Read some stuff.
Was a bitch to Project Manager. (hate that)
Got email about some innovation award we won for an online game. (It was ok. Maybe from a marketing perspective it was pretty innovative, but as a game it was a starting point.)
6.45pm: Rushed home coz I forgot my wallet. Had an unhealthy snack coz I was starving.
7.30pm: Got to climbing gym.
8pm: Fought with one of my favourites coz he took that condescending tone I hate.
8.15pm: Fuck it. Went home and read. 
4.30am: It felt like a very long day. 

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